I spent quite a few days in the Narrows at Zion National Park this past fall. The first day was spent with my good friend and fellow photographer Luke Tingley. Now, there are a few of things you need to know about Luke. First of all he is the same age as my son which puts him at twenty some years younger than I am. He is also damn near a foot taller than I am and in slightly(!) better physical condition. He is also more anal than I am. What little time he has to follow his passion for nature photography is carefully planned. He has a shot in mind and that is what he is going to get!
So here we are getting our waders on and gear ready for the hike up the Narrows. He tells me his plan. He is going to “bomb” up to the end and scope things out before coming back downstream for one of the shots he has in mind in prime light. He tells me I can try to keep up with him or I can just do my own thing. He always tells me that. We set out upstream and I sprinted along behind him, somehow never falling down while jumping between the rocks. We made it to Orderville Canyon (about halfway) and he can see am I kind of lagging. Obviously I am holding him back! I give in and tell him to go ahead and am left to do my own thing.
I continued up the river at my own pace taking time to shoot whatever caught my eye. As I wandered through the Wall Street section I was attracted to this scene. I found the contrast of the swiftly moving water against the wall covered in vibrant greenery to be quite interesting and found a composition that moved your eye through the scene. Now that I think about it, I am glad that I was the slow poke.
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