One of the other ruins that I hiked to with my photographer friend Jim Talaric last month. Fallen Roof Ruin is interesting in that slabs of rock have dropped from the rock overhang above and lay scattered on the floor below. I wouldn’t have wanted to be there when that happened!
The challenge we had with this location since it faced southwest was that we pretty much needed the sun to drop behind a ridge for the ruin to not be in full sunshine. We left the trailhead late in the afternoon and made the mile and a half trek along the icy canyon floor. After that, we knew we really didn’t want to be hiking out in the dark.
Upon arriving at the ruin, we found that we had plenty of time to play with different compositions while waiting for the sun to either go behind a cloud or to drop below the ridge to the south. After about an hour, I was finally able to capture this image which has just a hint of the setting sun highlighting the rock wall. Jim and I got our shots and booked it out of there as the sun quickly vanished. The amazing thing is we made it back out in half the time!
Click on the image to view it larger in the galleries. Fine art prints are available.