I visited a few Ancestral Puebloan ruins on my trip to Utah and Arizona earlier this month with my friend and fellow photographer, Jim Talaric. Jim has visited many of the ruins in the past and wanted to revisit a few on this trip. It was something fairly new for me, but I didn’t really care where we went, I was just delighted to be out shooting!
I had seen many pictures of the House on Fire ruin with its distinctive rock striations that look like flames running along the ceiling. There are only so many ways to compose a shot of a ruin like this. The nice thing was that we were fortunate to have nice diffused light which gave us plenty of time to shoot. After taking the most obvious shots, I tried using different lenses from different angles to come up with a unique perspective. This was my take on a panoramic view of the ruin. It is a composite of six images.
Click on the image to view it larger in the galleries. Fine art prints are available.