I had finished up taking my shot of sunrise at the red mangrove forest and had started heading back towards town when I drove into a bank of dense fog. Since the sun was shining brightly above the fog, everything glowed in bright diffused light. You could just make out shapes in the distance. I slowed down (good idea in fog!) and scanned the roadside for interesting compositions. I passed this small group of trees in the distance and turned around for a closer look. It looked cool, but was there enough there to pull together an interesting image? I grabbed the camera and put on a telephoto lens. With it mounted on a tripod, I swung it back and forth searching for that “something”. I moved the tripod from one place to another trying to get things to line up just right. Finally, there it was. This is what struck my eye. I hope you can see what I see what I saw…
Click on the image to view a larger version in the galleries.
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Gracias Santo!