It has been quite a while since I added any new images to my website. Not that I hadn’t been taking any pictures, I just hadn’t spent any time sitting at the computer processing them! Once the fall colors were gone around here, I worked my way back through the beginning of this summer and […]
St. Elmo Ghost Town after Autumn Rain Shower
Earlier this month, I decided to head up to the St. Elmo ghost town (I guess you can call it that even though people live there) after shooting sunrise down in the valley. It was a
The Morning after the Storm
Earlier this month, we had a day of rain that lasted late into the evening. I figured this meant the odds were pretty good that a) the mountains would be covered in fresh snow, and
Fall Color around Buena Vista
The fall colors around Buena Vista have been outstanding this year. This was rather convenient for me since my daughter got married a couple of weeks ago and I was able to
A fresh new website!
It has been just a little over a year since I updated the look of my website, so I have spent the last week or so getting a new site ready. I decided to go with a little cleaner look this time. Once again I used the website development tools created by The Turning Gate […]
This Old House-Buena Vista Colorado
We have had rain almost every afternoon this week, so yesterday morning I got up and headed out for sunrise hoping that a few clouds would still be hanging around. Well I was
A Winter Scene to Cool Things Down
I had someone contact me last week looking for a panoramic image from around my home town of Buena Vista. I had one on my website, but he wanted to know if I had anything else.
Serene Sunrise at Forest Bay in Anguilla
I thought it would be appropriate to post an image from Anguilla since I just returned from a trip to there last week. This was taken last year, but I had plenty of beautiful mornings this
Prints on display in Denver
I have spent the last couple of weeks preparing for and setting up a display of 22 prints at the Gougér Franzmann & Redman, LLC law firm in Denver. They have a Featured Artist program that rotates artist’s work through their office. It gives them free artwork, and free exposure for the artist. My prints […]
A Doubleheader from Horseshoe Bend
Well, officially I guess a doubleheader happens in the same day. I apologize to all the baseball fans out there. After witnessing the awesome sunrise in the previous post, I left